Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sam's Club - Business Analytics Project

This report system is based on a real dataset from Sam’s Club. This dataset is made available through the Enterprise System University Alliance. The Walton College from the University of Arkansas currently hosts this dataset. We will utilize this dataset to answer at least the following decision making questions. 1. What are the most popular items in a particular sales period? 2. Are there items popular in one store but not so popular in another store? 3. What is the percentage of members who visit more than two stores in the selected period? 4. Does the type of membership relate to purchase amount or number of visits? Of course, it would be an idea report system if one can provide “ad-­‐hoc” query capability. The above questions are just a few examples that you can provide recommendation to decision makers by study the data. Try to build a web reporting system so that ad-­‐hoc query is possible.